Besides ligatures, ampersands are the most beautiful characters in typography. But did you know that the ampersand actually is a ligature? It's a combination of the Latin letters E and...
You, cutting edge, early adopter, risk-taker, or as the French say, l'avant garde. Logo designed in 1968 by Herb Lunalin for Avant Garde magazine. ShirtYou can't help but feel great...
It started with a few heirloom tomato varieties. Composting was next, and pretty soon, you were a chemist amending your soil to hit that sweet 6.5 pH. Vertical farming, hydroponics,...
One of our founding members went to design school near Buffalo, NY. That's a meaningless fact, but what IS interesting is the word buffalo is a noun, proper noun, and...
Is it a treatise about the rights of citizens? Lus suffragii: The right to vote. Or is it more focused on Zen? An enlightened proletariat? Our type freak tried to...
Remember when the Gap thought they could capture a bit of that Helvetica magic with a sloppy rebrand? I wonder what happened to all the new branding they produced?Love it...
Ahhh, the Renaissance, it's about time you peasants and laborers learn to communicate clearly and eloquently. If you keep practicing your calligraphy in the manner of little Giambattista we might...
Never be afraid to make mistakes. Even if it ends badly, it was worth it. Unless you make a mistake on social media, then we'll burn your reputation to the...
Mindfulness has become an integral part of your daily routine. You're beginning to let go, and you're close to truly experiencing an awakening. But, but why isn't your last post...